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Server Rules

Welcome to the server.

This channel will detail the server rules.

If you think the translation needs improvement or you want to add a greeting in another language, please contact @yyc12345 .

You should familar with Discord operaion before you reading following content.


There are 3 types of roles: admin roles, work roles and medal roles. Admin roles have power to manage this server and help server host do somethings. The person who have work roles will work on a specific work, such as record identification. And as for medal, it just like a medal or tag.

Following roles is admin roles, if it reach the maximum, a election will be hold.

  • admin: Core administrator. Maximum is 4. Responsibilities are manage server and resolve conflict.
  • moderator: Light administrator. Maximum is 10. It take responsibility to help core administrator. Current main work is clean advertisement and unsafe account.

Following roles is work roles

  • record certifier: Assign to the people who are in charge of speedrun certification in, Chinese Ballance Forum or #mission

Following roles is medal roles

  • gamedev: Assign to Ballance developer
  • modding: Assign to the people who make game assisted application, including game mod, toolbox.
  • mapper: Assign to the perople who have at least 1 custom map or have ability to answer common mapping issues.
  • speedrunner: Assign to the people who have at least speedrun record or love finding speedrun shortcut.
  • expert speedrunner: Higher than speedrunner
  • youtuber: Assign to the people who have at least 1 Ballance video in his/her video channel.

The other roles are all abandoned roles. For some binding reasons, they have not been deleted yet.

Get Roles

Following roles are server core members.

  • admin: You can fill a form in Appy to try getting this role if you fufill following requirements.
    • Reach Level 30 in MEE6.
    • Have at least one server role.
  • moderator: You can fill a form in Appy to try getting this role if you fufill following requirements.
    • Reach Level 20 in MEE6.
    • Have at least one server role.

Following roles are specified by server owner. Unavailable.

  • record certifier
  • gamedev
  • expert speedrunner

The people who have admin roles, will add following roles for you if you have related message or action. You also can fill form by Appy to order admin add following roles for you if you have real work.

  • modding
  • mapper
  • speedrunner
  • youtuber


Channel Basic Rules

In addition to the channels in the language category, please send messages in English in all other channels. The channels contained in language category should send message in the language written on channel name. You also can join your language's channel for easier communication. If you don't find your language, you can apply for it to be added by contacting an admin. Additionally, please look channel's topic and pinned messages. Because they might have extra rules which should be followed in this channel. Channels under the language category can send off-topic content without the extra declaration of the channel topic. The remaining channels may not send any off-topic content without the channel topic's declaration.

Channel Summary

  • welcome: Welcome channel. Some brief rules, links and introduction.
  • speedrun: Speedrun channel. Serveed for publishing contest or tournament.
  • new: Publish / Get new speedrun, custom map, application, texture and audio effect.
  • bulletin: Server bulletin.

  • bmmo: The release channel for Ballance Multiplay Service, including the latest plugin and available server URL.

  • lobby: The channel for BMMO players to chat and team up.

  • general: Core chat channel

  • skill: Discuss game skills and shortcuts, such as high-speed ball glitch / zip glitch.
  • dev: Ballance related development, such as Virtools.
  • missions: A challenge list for all Ballance player.
  • mapping: The issue related to Ballance mapping.
  • suggestions: Provide suggestion for this server and contact with server admin.
  • off-topic: off-topic but no spam.

  • bot-playground: Execute bot command

Punishment of Violations

This punishment applies to all channels. Server owner, admin and moderator have the right to handle the responsible person when the following violations occur. When the first time the administrator will ask the responsible person to correct the error, the second time, the administrator will add the responsible person to the blacklist after 24 hours, if the responsible person needs to appeal, please explain to the administrator within 24 hours.

Administrators have right to delete violation message or message flow to keep a clean server without any notification.

Text & Voice Channel Violations

  • Insult others, racial discrimination.
  • Send any texts, links, pictures involving politics, religion, bloody, sex, etc.
  • Abuse of power.
  • Massively delete your own messages.
  • Send any NSFW text, link, picture
  • Send spam messages in non-prescribed areas.
  • Inciting others to violate server rules or create violence.
  • Constant harassment of users, when users are no longer willing to accept your messages.
  • Attempting to cause negative emotions/response or provide false information to server members.
  • The use of bot distribute the chat or make someone annoyed.

Ballance Multiplayer Service Violations

  • In real-time chat dialog, post message, which violate any entry in Text & Voice Channel Violations.
  • Attack Ballance Multiplayer Server, including but not limited to SYN Floods etc.
  • Ignore contest rules, or interrupt contest by design, in official multiplayer contest.

Spam Violations

  • The content sent is enough to interrupt the normal chat.
  • Post a random, unrelated image or continuously and quickly publish multiple images.
  • Send several nonsense messages quickly in channel (for example, send many "oh" consecutively) or repeatedly post links.
  • Abuse @here/everyone or repeatedly mention users
  • Pull up, incite others to join other servers or advertise other servers massively.

Bot Usage

  • Only #bot-playground is free ("free" as in "free speech," not as in "free beer.") to use bots.
  • In other channels, such as #general, bot usage should follow these entries.
    • Everyone can use bot.
    • Bot should serve for current context when you using bot. For example, answering someone's question.
    • Executing bot commands just for your own needs is not allowed. For example, executing !resources just gets resource URLs for yourself.

Contact Us

As mentioned above, contacting the server owner or administrator is frequently mentioned. The way to contact is to mention them directly in #suggestions. For more serious problems that need to be handled by the administrator, you can mention them by roles. If you are shy, or you want to protect your privacy, or you want to report anonymously, you can also make a direct/private message to the corresponding person.